Quick Cash for Recent Grads Quick Cash for Recent Grads

As a recent college graduate and a member of the "I owe my soul to student loan companies" club, I've had to come up with some creative ways to create cash flow where there is none. Only a full time job can help to really rake in the rent money, but these sites and ideas have helped in putting an extra dollar or two in my pocket. Hopefully they'll be the solution for you in finding that extra cash to enjoy life outside of work.

Half.com: Sure, everyone has the burning desire to build a bonfire with their books once school's out, but don't light the match just yet. Half.com is like a virtual yard sale, where you set the price for your goods, and customers come to you with the cash. They're affiliated with EBay, but easier for a busy new-grad to deal with because you can set up your account and forget about it. Unlike EBay where you're on a scheduled time limit per auction, EBay keeps your goods listed until someone claims them, and then sends you an e-mail notice to ship out your sales. It's great for selling old junk like video games, DVDs and electronics, too.


Ebates.com: Addicted to online shopping? Yeah, me too. However, I have to know my limit because I really don't want to go back to eating Cup 'O Noodles and Easy-Mac for every meal. If you want to push that limit a little further, though, you should head over to Ebates.com before paying for your newest purchase. Ebates offers cash-back for every dollar you spend at your favorite sites. Plus, they store coupon codes and special offers for every site, so you can shave some cents off the top there, too. Your cash comes back to you via what they call a "big, fat check" a few times a year. So really, you can call those new boots an investment rather than a splurge.


Associatedcontent.com: Really, did you think I wouldn't mention it? Associated Content is one of the easiest ways to put your newly-learned skills to good use. Plus, you can turn your hidden aggression into great articles. Disgusting roommate? I bet you could turn out an awesome piece on how to remove week-old pizza from couch cushions.


Refer-a-friend offers: Everyone sees them, but have you ever really done it? Probably not. Take a second to think about what you could earn if you did, though. Some sites offer free merchandise for each friend, some offer straight cash back. So say you surfed on over to Ebates (mentioned above) and referred 5 friends, all of which accepted (and why shouldn't they?). Since they offer $5 for each referral, that's $25 in your pocket for doing nothing more than talking too much to your friends - not too bad, huh? Even if you're low on friends, you can post your referral link to public forums to attract more clicks (and more cash!).


Odd jobs: No, I'm not talking about skimming your neighbor's pool for ten bucks a week like you did back in grade school. In your newfound adulthood, odd jobs means taking what you know or enjoy and turning it into cash. Great grammar skills? Turn your knowledge into a paper-editing service, or become a tutor within your neighborhood. Photography skills? Offer your services at local events, such as proms, weddings and birthdays. Craigslist.org is a great resource for listing amateur skills. Hey, who knows, it may turn you on to a career path you never imagined.


Finding cash as a recent grad is all about using your imagination. It may mean a little more work, but if you learn anything in school it's that you have to work hard to play hard.